Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review

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This is my review of Visual Impact Muscle Building which is a program I personally used, experienced how it works and got results from. 

If you're interested in getting a lean and toned body like the type male models and many male celebrities generally possess, I'm sure reading this review will help you get a step towards achieving this goal.

What is Visual Impact Muscle Building?

Visual Impact Muscle Building is a muscle building course developed by a fitness professional name Rusty Moore. The program aims to guide men to strategically build a lean and muscular body for good looks.

The course is aimed guiding men to build a lean athletic physique instead of the huge and bulky professional bodybuilder look

Rusty Moore was drawn to create this program because he realized that many guys wanted to lift weights to build muscle, but their aim was not to look like a bodybuilder, but somewhat like a ripped model. . 

Many guys wanted the lean and tone look that male models are seen with in photos, magazines and videos, but there were not any programs around to guide men specifically to get this type of physique. 

Well fortunately, Rusty Moore stepped in to create a solution, and I must say that after going through this course and seeing the results I got, I'm pretty impressed and highly recommend this program if you want to build a spectacular body.

It's well known that an average amount of muscle mass with exceptional definition is much more physically attractive than the overly muscular pumped up physique.  

Guys should aim for a toned and moderately muscular body that is very lean when building muscle to enhance their appearance, and they will also get fitter and healthier as well. 

What's Included In Visual Impact Muscle Building? 

Anyone who download the program will get a 75 page eBook, a 227 page exercise guide and a printable workout chart. The e-book contains the muscle building program and a load of powerful information by Rusty Moore. 

The muscle building program is structured into 3 phases which runs up to 2 months each (6 months total). Each phase affects your body in a slightly different way and there's a bonus phase for getting something called 'the shrink wrap effect'. Here's a summary of the 3 phases by Rusty Moore.

Phase I: Quick muscle gains, by focusing in the higher rep range and limiting rest periods in between sets. This creates "cumulative fatigue"…where each set builds upon the previous set. The growth in this phase is largely due to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This is an increase in the fluid (sarcoplasm) within the muscle cells. 

Phase II: "Hardening up" the muscle gained from phase I while continuing to increase muscle mass (but now at a slower rate). We are focusing now in the mid rep range with longer rest periods. Each set is separate from the previous set and now we are maximizing tension and avoiding "cumulative fatigue". This rep range and rest schedule builds actual muscle fiber (myofibrillar hypertrophy). 

Phase III: Pure density training for maximum definition while purposely avoiding further muscle growth. You will be doing sets in the 2-4 rep range and rest long enough in between sets to lift heavy weights. There will also be a focus on HIIT to lose any excess body fat. This isn't a bulk and cut program, but you will simply try to get really lean in this phase.

Bonus Phase: This is a strategy used after a period of time in phase III to get what I like to call the "Shrink Wrap Effect". You begin this phase 3 weeks before an event or vacation. This will make the skin tight around the muscles for maximum definition…and this is long lasting (NOT like carb-depleting and carb-loading).

What I Like About Visual Impact Muscle Building 

I like that the course is not just a workout program, but also contains lots of useful information by Rusty Moore in the first few chapters of the eBook that'll greatly upgrade your level of knowledge about muscle building .

Rusty Moore has 25 + years experience being involved in fitness and he also interviewed other highly knowledgeable experts in the field as well as a few scientists, therefore the information in this course has a solid backing. 

Rusty Moore exposes a lot of muscle building myths in his eBook and bravely talks about some traditional bodybuilding principles which can prevent you from getting an attractive physique if you're not careful. 

Rusty Moore also gives valuable advice on every aspect of muscle building including diet, weight training, cardio, supplements and much more as he prepares you for undertaking the 3-phase workout program. 

What I like most about the workout program is that it is properly outlined and easy to understand. Rusty Moore also brilliantly guide you through the program by making lots of notes so you'll be informed on precisely what to do in every situation. 

The program has an easy-to-follow routine and has an at-home workout suggestion for each muscle group for if you're working out at home with limited equipment.

Another thing I liked a lot about the workout program is that it can be easily customized to meet your precise goals and needs. And Rusty Moore also guides you on how to tweak it in order to achieve your specific goals in accordance with your own situation to get precise results you're after. You can add, take off, lengthen, shorten or mix up things according to meet the precise goal you want to achieve. This really makes this program awesome.

Finally, I admire the enthusiasm and knowledge of Rusty Moore and the way that he is driven by his desire to help people learn more about fitness and get into great shape.

Rusty Moore's presentation of himself as well as the manner in which he presents his service proves that helping other people is his main aim. And this also help gave me the motivation I needed to push towards success.

What I did not like about the about Visual Impact Muscle Building 

At the time of first going through the course I was what you may call a complete beginner. As a result of that I was not familiar with many muscle building terms used throughout the course and there was not a glossary available to refer to which would have been helpful for someone like me if it was there. However, this was easily resolved, because a simple Google search gave me the definition of all the terms I wasn't familiar with. 

Final Words?

I strongly recommend this course for anyone in need of a good diet and workout program to build muscle and lose fat to get a nice ripped body.

It contains the right strategies and methods that's needed to ensure you don't end up with bad outcomes that can ruin the good looks of your physique. Persons of all body types and fitness levels can use this course to achieve their specific goals in the direction of getting an attractive body. 

If your aim is to just put on a lot of muscle to look bigger and don't care about looking attractive in the end, then you don't need this program, although you can tweak phase 1 to gain any amount of mass you want, but it's much better to use another program if getting really huge and bulky like a bodybuilder is your aim.

This course is really focused on gaining an average amount of dense muscle for your body type and maximizing definition to make you end up with a stunning physique when you complete the program.

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